manner of our communication in business as well in day-to-day life plays a major role in our success or failure. Better communicators find it easy to get ahead in life. They know how to put themselves across to others. Ability to express views and ideas clearly and convincingly is a skill. Your will communicate better when you think right Felix Hernandez Venezuela Jersey , say it right, behave right and when you show you understand.
The skill of communicating is an asset and more you develop and sharpen it more will be the benefits. You can communicate by words, by gestures, symbolic expressions and various other forms of communication. For example the way you walk, your posture Eduardo Rodriguez Venezuela Jersey , the clothes you wear can communicate about you to others. The eyes that flash anger, the yawn of boredom, the thumb nose of derision, the stamping feet of impatience, the applause of approval Deolis Guerra Venezuela Jersey , the raised eye brow of excitement, the laughter of joy, the smile of friendliness and the wink too are types of impersonal communication.
These are more effective and clear than verbal communication because a closed mouth catches no fliesWhen one think of the subject of communication one feels that the entire World is a Stage and every one of us is an actor or actress. Each one of us in it has to assume a different role to fit the occasion. For example a person will assume different roles to fit different situations like
a) when talking to a business associate, b) when talking to an intimate friend, c) when talking to a subordinate Bruce Rondon Venezuela Jersey , d) when talking to wife and e) when talking to a pet dog.
Therefore, as actors and actresses of this wonderful stage the world we use gestured to give emphasis to the meaning of a word or group of words that is how we verbally communicate.
In written communication too we use fitting language and our choice of words and the way of using sentences gives effectiveness to what we try to communicate. A musician, a singer, a sculptor, an artist are using their skills to communicate something to others. Also in communication it is not what one says or writes but it is how one says or writes is what express the real meaning.
The business communication is not much different from the above described general communication. Because in business too words fitly spoken and the clarity of expression and attention grabbing presentation receive better response and communication skills in these aspects is very important in business.
Best businesses employ better communicators to handle their businesses. A business has to build its image and maintain and for that effective communication about the business to the public is a must.
The products and services need to be marketed in a competitive environment and it is the communication that does the main part in winning customer loyalty. For business communication in addition to the directly approaching of the customers and convincing them to buy the products there are other ways of reaching the customers via advertising and other forms of communications. The Communication Arcenio Leon Venezuela Jersey , what ever the form used is used to create a need in the customers mind to buy the particular product over the other competing products.
Appropriate communication can make a buyer who does not want to buy a particular product to change the mind in to buying it. We are in the age of communication. It is revealed in a recent survey that 20 percent of the entire world population is using the internet as at end 2007. That means a population of 1,320,000,000 people.
Therefore, internet as a means of communication can reach a world wide diversified segment of potential buyers. Therefore Alcides Escobar Venezuela Jersey , greater skills and internet oriented methods of communication will be most important for market based business operations.Rsorder Up to Saved for old rs gold on Rsorder from 5.16-5.24 Posted by rsorderhere on May 17th, 2016
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